Wizard Ch. 13
The battle of Highpass against the demons while John battles for his soul. There's action to be found in this chapter, but it's not as tawdry as some might like. Not to worry, there's enough naughtiness to pass the time and the promise of more to come! You can find Chapter 12 here, Chapter 1 here, and the story (Enchanted) that started it all here John pushed off the ground and slammed his hands under the leaping demon's jaw. The fanged maw snapped shut and was driven upwards. John's face was spared but the creature still slammed into him, yanking him away from Helleen and sending him tumbling onto his back. The beast rolled free of him and landed on its feet like a cat. A very large, terrifying, horned cat. Nude save for his dagger, amulet and boots, John knew he couldn't call his spear to him in time and his dagger would be all but useless against such a monster. The demon hopped to the side, rotating to turn and face him, and gathered itself to pounce a sec...