Emergent Behavior Ch. 00

SEXPO was always the biggest event of the year for the adult industry and the presenters spared no expense for the Fortieth Anniversary in 2065. Ads were shown months in advance and the presenters apparently went out of their way to hire the most extreme and corny-sounding announcer for all the commercials.

Natasha Xee was kicking off SEXPO 2065 with a live concert, and the totally extreme announcer made sure everyone knew about the promotional event called "Night with Natasha" where "ONE LUCKY WINNER WILL GET AN ALL-NIGHT VIP EXPERIENCE WITH THE SEXY STARLET!" Of course, everyone knew what they meant. Unfortunately, after SEXPO, everyone agreed the concert was a colossal disappointment, and the "ONE LUCKY WINNER!" gave a mediocre review of Natasha's bedroom prowess. This was supposed to be her biggest gig in five years, maybe even her big comeback, and she blew it.

There was also buzz surrounding the actress, Britney Clark's, official porn debut with one panel offering a sexy sneak peak of her upcoming movie. Porn had finally reached mainstream Hollywood, but most of the films were shallow porn parodies which critics, and audiences for that matter, didn't take seriously. This looked like something else entirely, a serious drama film which just happened to feature one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood having sex in front of the camera. It was a Western about a woman who's forced to become a saloon prostitute when the rest of the wagon train abandons her. Critics seemed to agree that Britney's genuine acting skills helped immensely.

But the most intriguing of all was the ad campaign from none other than Aphrodyne Industries. They were much more subdued than the "TOTALLY EXTREME!" announcer for the SEXPO proper, just a couple different posters with lingerie models posing with big smiles. At the bottom of the posters was the slogan: "Am I real? Find out at SEXPO 2065."

This sparked everyone's interest because Aphrodyne had an infamous reputation. Their primary products were consumer-level sexbots that the average person could enjoy, but everybody had those, hell, even HONDA had a personal sexbot. Aphrodyne's specialty was in "sexual experiences" using a combination of VR and robotics to cater to their customers' fantasies. The one that made them infamous was called the Ocean World Experience, which allowed the customer to roleplay as a trainer for the animals while a highly accurate robotic dolphin had its way with them in front of a VR-simulated audience. Critics of the sex industry only used Aphrodyne for more ammunition, claiming that making the sex industry mainstream caused the freaks and deviants to come out of the woodwork.

When Aphrodyne famously boasted that the robot in question was so accurate that it allegedly fooled real dolphins into mating with it, their main competitor, Orgasma Inc., pointed out that dolphins will mate with literally anything. So, when people first saw the ads, everyone asked each other, "Wait, the people with the dolphin?" to which everyone else replied, "Yup, the people with the dolphin." The "Am I Real" ads were parodied mercilessly and became memes overnight with people photoshopping the models next to increasingly oddly specific choices of sealife, like a giant sunfish, marine iguanaa, and plesiosaurs.

But Aphrodyne's panel wasn't what anyone expected. Visitors were led into a room where one of the two ladies in the ads was waiting. That wasn't too unusual, many companies hired strippers and prostitutes for the SEXPO. What made this one different was after the visitors experienced both ladies privately, or watched a scene of them both, they were asked to answer a poll asking, "Which girl do you think was a sexbot?"

The forums were alight with peoples' opinions. Most people weren't very impressed with the girl named Whitney, a blonde who had appeared in the ads wearing red lingerie. Meanwhile everyone who had the chance to have sex with the other girl, Bianca, agreed that she was much more fun and energetic. Except the poll wasn't asking which girl was more enjoyable, it was asking which of them was a robot. People weren't sure whether Whitney's uninterested, wooden, and quote-un-quote "robotic" performance was because she was a robot, or if she was just exhausted after having sex with so many people in one weekend. Likewise, fans were divided on whether Bianca's performance was supposed to be hyper-real and larger-than-life, I.E. artificial, or if she was better because she was human. Nevertheless, the final results of the poll were 59% agreeing that Whitney was the sexbot.

When the time came for Aphrodyne's presentation, there were a bunch of inflatable pool dolphins in the audience being tossed around like beach balls, the company finally owning up to the meme and distributing them at the event. Then Aphrodyne's spokeswoman came out on stage and introduced the girls to the audience.

"You've hopefully all seen Bianca and Whitney's scenes on the internet, and I know some of you got the chance to get more personal with them. The internet blew up over our poll, and a lot of people think that this is a trick, that neither of them are robots, but I assure you that one of them is."

"Bianca, execute maintenance diagnostics, C-3-1-G-3-5." Everyone was shocked when Bianca's eyes glowed blue and all the color disappeared from her skin revealing all the electronics and machinery underneath. The gynoid put her hands out at her sides, and her chest cavity and face opened up for easy access. The audience was speechless, even the dolphin hecklers had stopped bouncing their pool toys as Aphrodyne stole show. The girl Whitney wasn't completely superfluous either, being revealed to be the gynoid's technician so it would operate as planned during the panel.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the spokeswoman said, "Introducing the Venus line." Heavy metal suddenly blared from the speakers and ten more robots walked onto the stage with their hips swaying with all the grace and sexuality of real women. They formed a line on either side of the first robot and all at once struck their own seductive pose. Within a couple of seconds, each of them had donned disguises of women of various heights, builds, and every color of the human rainbow. Some of them grew high heels, others seemed to spontaneously generate clothing out of nowhere, and two of them remained completely naked but had sprouted very realistic looking penises.

"Bianca, presentation mode," the spokeswoman said. The first robot closed up and color returned to her skin and she transformed into the same woman she had been before.

"Bianca is our new flagship model, the Venus X-1," the spokeswoman explained, "Forget sexbots, she's the most advanced gynoid ever developed, period, including the military." Right then, the Bianca robot transformed into the spokeswoman and carried on with the presentation without missing a beat.

"She utilizes a combination of state-of-the-art, micro holographic projectors which were adapted from our VR technology. This, combined with a fully reconfigurable mainframe and a programmable matter synthskin will allow her to become any woman you want. Don't worry, the male version will be coming out next year." Then a third android morphed into the spokeswoman and continued the presentation from there while the other two started making out behind her onstage.

"All of the Venus bots are highly agile," she said, and then demonstrated this by doing a cart wheel and then back flipping back into a standing position, "Their mainframe moves as fluidly as a human ballet dancer, useful for all the *giggle* complicated positions they will find themselves in." And again, she was replaced by another gynoid who assumed the guise of the Aphrodyne spokeswoman while the previous joined the others in the back who had moved on to stripping each other. And so, it continued for forty-five minutes, one robot would give a rundown of the Venus bots' features, then be replaced and join the growing doppelganger groupfuck onstage. Finally, when all the identical robots were entangled and the original human spokeswoman had been lost, it was the girl Whitney who finished the presentation.

"None of this could be possible however without their unique software. Each model possesses an adaptive learning matrix which in tests was shown to have 99.98% the efficiency and capability of the human brain. The more they have sex, the more they will learn, and then they will become more innovative, and rely less and less on preprogrammed routines. But most importantly, they are programmed to enjoy sex, and they are smart enough to understand desire, in themselves and in their clients. We guarantee that you will be never be disappointed with a Venus bot."

The presentation was over when all the doppelgangers in the back reached a synchronized, electronic orgasm, and screamed with pleasure. After a few seconds, they stood up and then reverted back to their default robotic forms with the real Aphrodyne spokeswoman in the middle, topless and with her panties hanging onto her shapely thighs. She was exhausted with pleasure and was barely able to give their closing remarks before the panel ended."

http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/Gracia Baur/nl-nl/

http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/Gran logia unida de inglaterra/es-es/

http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/H.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty)/en-en/


http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/HIM (樂團)/zh-zh/

http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/HIM SKUPINA/sk-sk/






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